City location helping the Fiends do their Territory.
fiends ??--lol
shows i read your post though
i don't think the kids will remember going out in field service at your convention's city location helping the fiends do their territory.
on top of the horrendous heat-stroke sitting at dodger stadium we had to preach earlier in the week!
i heard some elderly witnesses speaking about "those were the good old days they thought" the grand old time they had while visiting the city of los angeles!
City location helping the Fiends do their Territory.
fiends ??--lol
shows i read your post though
say you could go back in time to when you were 15 years old.
no watchtower in your life.
but the experience you have now you could keep.
at 15 i was still at a UK grammar school--in the 6th form--interested in going into architecture----but got listening to DO ron drage at an assembly bigging it up about teenagers going pioneering--so i bought into that instead. so left school--took up window cleaning--as you do--and started selling fucking magazines.
like most young men i was led astray by my hormones and married at 20 in order to copulate.
i can think of 2 things there i would have done differently with hindsight.
i knew the watchtower didn't like me, but i didn't know they wanted to physically kill me (if they were allowed)from the 15 november 1952 watchtower magazine under questions from readers:.
in the case of where a father or mother or son or daughter is disfellowshiped, how should such person be treated by members of the family in their family relationship?.
we are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from god and his theocratic organization, as was possible and was ordered in the nation of israel in the wilderness of sinai and in the land of palestine... (and a bit later)..being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of god through jesus christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws.. so let me get this straight: if our secular pesky laws were not an obstacle and jesus was not in the way we'd be hunted and exterminated?.
righto poppickers.
as some of you know, i have been putting together a book of interviews and humour.
it is designed (i hope), soften the blow for those inside the wbt$ who want to escape and also prove to those that have left that they are not alone.. anyway.
i had this idea of topic when john aquila made me laugh in one of his post when he said : new light!the governing body has the right to have sex with all the new virgins that get baptized before they get married.. and then i've decided to open this topic to ask this (stupid but funny) question : if you was in the gb, what's the "new light you will want to fight for?
For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head
that it--NOOLITE---all jw women from now on must shave their heads. but hats must then be worn at all times.
i saw an instagram post showing a short clip of a talk being given in one of our southern states.
the talk clip showed speaker making the statement, "jehovah doesn't want anyone to know satans real name, jehovah hates satan so much, he doesn't even want his name mentioned" .
i posted in comments: matt 5:44-48 with the full scripture rendered from niv.
"Jehovah doesn't want anyone to know Satans real name, Jehovah hates Satan so much, he doesn't even want his name mentioned"
err--didnt jevovah create satan in the first place ? and if he hates him so much--why didnt god simply delete satan ?
you dont think that--perhaps---the whole thing is just an ancient fable by chance ?
observing our local unemployed pioneers and how long they take to get to their first or next call, usually taking the longest route to get to one they know won't be there anyway.
along the way it's gossipy this and that.
it was they who taught me The Pioneer Shuffle.
ha ha------great title.
i saw an instagram post showing a short clip of a talk being given in one of our southern states.
the talk clip showed speaker making the statement, "jehovah doesn't want anyone to know satans real name, jehovah hates satan so much, he doesn't even want his name mentioned" .
i posted in comments: matt 5:44-48 with the full scripture rendered from niv.
so, the holy, holy, holy governing body(tm) are on tv and very much to be worshipped (like rock stars).. do you think there will come a time when the jws won't have public talks (as an example), and rely totally on the tele evengelism from the gb?
i say this because a public speaker used to be offered travelling expenses when visiting a different kingdom hell.
either the popes will stop this, it already has been stopped.
i wonder if they will have jehovah on as a guest speaker ?
when you were attending the kingdom halls did you see feuds and hate filled wars against members working on the new personality?
how strong were the elders in keeping their halls filled with love not hatred, jesus said everyone would be filled with love, there was no room for hatred in jesus christ's view of how christians ought to act!
when you see children shunning parents, parents shunning children, aunts, uncles, grandma and grandpas displaying qualities jesus said were "instant tickets to hell" why do the jws keep attending the meetings if their filled with hate?
work this out.
my father--now 94--has been a jw for 53 years now. he and i have a close relationship.
my 1st (ex) wife--a born in---and i ---had 3 kids===1 girl--2 boys.
daughter ( jw ) --now 43--wont talk to me--or my father
( old rift )
1st son--now 39---is now d/f--so--his mother--and sister--wont talk to him------neither will my father----but son talks to me now.
2nd son--now 37---is still a jw--so wont talk to me--or his older brother.
theres now a total of 8 grandchildren--ive no idea who does--or doesnt--talk to each other.
i gave up trying years ago.